Connie Batsell
Massage therapy for healing, inspiration, and transformation.



I am so grateful that you are taking the time to explore how I can help you! My name is Connie Batsell, and I provide therapeutic massage and bodywork services at Center Point Chiropractic. My mission is to provide therapeutic services that help clients alleviate their physical pain and tension, and to make them feel transformed in their mind, body, and spirit. I have 18 years massage therapy and intuitive bodywork experience. I also have a masters degree in counseling and love to compliment my massage and bodywork sessions by adding on spiritual counseling for those clients looking for a wholistic healing approach. 

Massage therapy and bodywork are not only beneficial for our physical bodies. These healing modalities also promote ease for people experiencing emotional challenges and mental stress! My intention when providing a therapeutic session is to offer all of my clients a healing and loving space where they connect to their spiritual Self, which can promote a profound healing within all aspects (mind, body,and spirit) of their being. My healing approach is to work with the mind body connection and to customize each session by integrating spiritual counseling techniques, reiki, and massage therapy. I find it very beneficial to work with the mind/body connection because people often find that in times  of pain and tension in the physical body it is a reflection of their mind's thoughts and beliefs.

Please call Center Point Chiropractic at 636-379-9105 if you would like to schedule an appointment with me.